Zoning By-law 05-200

The City of Hamilton’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 05-200 came into effect on May 25, 2005, and is being implemented in stages.

In July and October 2015, the City passed a series of zoning by-law amendments to add new zones for the rural area. The purpose of the Rural Zones is to implement the policies of the Rural Hamilton Official Plan and to create consistent zoning throughout the rural area.

In October 2016 and February 2018, the City passed a series of zoning by-law amendments to add new Transit Oriented Corridor (TOC) Zones. Furthermore, the City passed a zoning by-law amendment to add new Commercial and Mixed Use Zones (CMU) and an Utility Zone for the urban area in November 2017 but has been appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). The purpose of the new TOC and CMU zones is to implement the policies of the Urban Hamilton Official Plan to create consistent zoning within the urban area.

The current phase of Zoning By-law No. 05-200 is focused on Residential Zones.

Effective Dates

Unless otherwise noted, Sections 1 to 6 inclusive, and those Schedules A, B, C D, E and F which incorporate boundaries for Downtown Hamilton were passed by City Council and became effective on May 25, 2005.

Comprehensive amendments to Section 6: Downtown Zones were passed by City Council (By-law 18-114).

Section 7 - New Open Space and Parks Zones for the urban area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 06-166) and became effective on June 14, 2006. New Conservation/Hazard Land Zones for the rural area passed by City Council (By-law 15-173) and became effective on July 10, 2015.

Section 8 - New Institutional Zones for the urban area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 07-101) and became effective on March 28, 2007.

Section 9 - New Industrial Zones for the urban area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 10- 128) and became effective on June 28, 2011. New Industrial Zones for the Airport Employment Growth District were passed by City Council (By-law 10-288) and became effective on April 10, 2015. A new Extractive Industrial Zone was passed by City Council (By-law 15-173) and became effective on July 10, 2015.

Section 10 - New Commercial and Mixed Use Zones for the urban area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 17-240) and became effective on November 8, 2017.

Section 11 - New Transit Oriented (By-law 16-265) and became effective on October 12, 2016, and Phase 2 passed by City Council (By-law 18-032) and became effective on February 14, 2018.

Section 12 - New Rural Zones for the rural area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 15-173) and became effective on July 10, 2015.

Section 14 - New Waterfront Zones for the urban area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 17-095) and became effective on May 24, 2017.

Section 15 - New Residential Zones for the urban area of Hamilton passed by City Council (By-law 22-197) and became effective on August 12, 2022.

How to Use this By-law

You can use our interactive zoning map to search by address to determine the zoning of a specific property. The zone code can be used to find the list of permitted uses, regulations, and any special exceptions.

Here is an example. For this example, let's use Tim Hortons Field:

Look up the zoning for a property: Open the zoning mapping tool, and search the address "75 Balsam Avenue North". The mapping tool will zoom to the property and display the zoning on the map as City Wide Park (P3) Zone, with a Special Exception 42.

View the permitted uses & regulations: This page contains lists for each zone category. To find the permitted uses and regulations for the "P3" zone for Tim Hortons' Field, find the "Section 7: Open Space and Park Zones" and browse the list to find the zoning document titled "7.3 - City Wide (P3) Zone".

View the exceptions, provisions or figures: To find information on the Special Exception "42", find the “Schedules” list and browse for the "Schedule C - Special Exceptions". The Holding Provisions, Temporary Use Provisions, and Special Figures are also located in this section.

Screenshot of how to use the Interactive Zoning Map to find zoning code

Consolidated as of November 2022

Zoning By-law 05-200

Zoning By-law No. 05-200 includes a number of sections, which include: definitions, general provisions, parking regulations as well as the various zones.

The zones are structured to identify permitted and prohibited uses as well as the regulations applicable to a permitted use(s) (i.e. minimum or maximum setbacks, maximum size, etc.)

Definitions, general provisions and parking regulations work in conjunction with the zones and need to be reviewed for all development applications to determine, for example, if a proposed use meets the definition associated with that use and that the minimum number of parking spaces required for a proposed permitted use are being provided.

Recording of Amending By-laws
By-law Date Zones City Initiated Amendment
05-200 25-May-05 Downtown (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6) Implementation of D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 Zones
06-038 1-Mar-06 Adequate Services General Provision
06-166 14-Jun-06 Open Space and Parks (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) Implementing P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 Zone
07-043 15-Feb-07 Industrial (M1) Implementing M1 Site specifics 6, 7
07-101 28-Mar-07 Institutional (I1, I2, I3) Implementing I1, I2, I3 Zones
07-111 11-Apr-07 Applicable Zones
07-233 8-Aug-07 Cemetery Mapping (P4) Implementing P4 for cemetery
09-210 30-Sep-09 General Provisions Outdoor Commercial Patios amended for capacity, location and design
10-037 24-Feb-10 Parks P5 Zone Hazard Land Zoning
10-128 26-May-10 New Industrial Zones (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6) Implementation of new Industrial Zones
10-288 (see 15-118) 13-Oct-10 Many New Airport Related M7-M11 Zones
14-163 25-Jun-14 Housekeeping Medical Marihuana
15-107 22-Apr-15 Urban Farmers Market Definitions and regulations
15-118 10-Apr-15 Airport Employment Growth District Implementation of M7, M8, M9, M10 and M11 Zones
15-173 (portions still under appeal) 10-Jul-15 Rural Zones Implementation of P6, P7, P8, M12, A1, A2, S1, S2, S3, E1 and E2 Zones
15-237 14-Oct-15 Rural Zones Corrections to By-law No. 15-173
15-238 14-Oct-15 Rural Zones Additional Exception 253 lands (Rural Landscape Contractors)
15-246 28-Oct-15 Zones along LRT Corridor Interim Control By-law for LRT Corridor
16-265 (specific sites still under appeal) 12-Oct-16 New Transit Oriented Corridor Zones Introduction of the TOC1, TOC2, TOC3 Zones
17-083 10-May-17 Entertainment on Outdoor Commercial Patios
Temporary Use By-law to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
17-095 (LPAT) 24-May-17 New Waterfront Zones for Pier 8 Introduction of the WF1, WF2 and EF3 Zones
17-240 (portions still under appeal) 8-Nov-17 New Commercial and Mixed Use Zones Introduction of the C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C5a, C6, C7, and U3 Zones
17-255 22-Nov-17 Pilot Project for Entertainment on Outdoor Commercial Patios Pilot Project for Entertainment on Outdoor Commercial Patios located along Upper James Street between Stone Church Road and Rymal Road, and lands generally located in Downtown Dundas
18-032 14-Feb-18 New TOC 4 Zone, TOC extension to Eastgate Introduction of TOC4 Zone, additional lands to be added to the LRT Corridor
18-092 11-Apr-18 New M13 and M14 Introduction of M13 & M14 Zones for the lands owned and operated by the Hamilton Port Authority
18-093 11-Apr-18 Urban Area Open Space (P4) Zone, Industrial (M6) Zone Add certain lands to 05-200 and add special exceptions
18-114 9-May-18 Downtown Hamilton Revisions to the Downtown Zones to reflect the Downtown Hamilton Secondary Plan revisions
18-219 17-Aug-18 Urban and Rural Areas Updates to certain Definitions, General Provisions, Parking Regulations, Institutional Zones, Industrial Zones ,TOC Zones, Rural Zones, certain Special Exceptions, certain Holding Provisions, urban and rural mapping
18-266 (LPAT May 29,2020) 12-Sep-18 Cannabis Growing and Harvesting Facilities General and site specific text and mapping amendments on a City-wide basis respecting Cannabis Growing and Harvesting Facilities, Aquaponics, and Greenhouses
19-062 27-Mar-19 Urban and Rural Areas Updates to certain Definitions, General Provisions, Parking Regulations, Open Space Zones, Industrial Zones, TOC Zones, Commercial and Mixed Use Zones, Rural Zones, certain Special Exceptions, certain Holding Provisions, urban and rural mapping
19-066 10-Apr-19 Production Student for Bay-Queen-Tiffany Repealing and replacing Special Exception 442 to included amended uses and regulations to permit a Production Studio, limited commercial uses
19-103 9-May-19 Entertainment on Outdoor Commercial Patios Temporary Use By-law extension to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
19-104 9-May-19 Entertainment on Outdoor Commercial Patios Temporary Use By-law extension to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
19-106 9-May-19 Entertainment on Outdoor Commercial Patios Temporary Use By-law extension to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
19-278 13-Nov-19 Neighbourhood Commercial (C2) Zone Adding a site specific exception relating to ground floor level above mean sea level
20-144 17-Jul-20 Neighbourhood Commercial (C1) Zone Rezone lands to Neighbourhood Commercial (C1) Zone and amend certain zone regulations
20-181 21-Aug-20 Certain Commerical and Downtown Zones Temporary Use By-law extension to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
20-214 14-Oct-20 Certain Commerical and Downtown Zones Temporary Use By-law extension to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
20-215 14-Oct-20 Certain Commerical and Downtown Zones Temporary Use By-law extension to allow entertainment on outdoor commercial patios
20-070 12-May-21 General Provisions - Accessory Buildings Repeal and replace existing accessory building regulations
21-071 12-May-21 Secondary Dwelling Units Add new Secondary Dwelling Unit regulations
21-143 13-Aug-21 Outdoor Commercial Patios and Tents Temporary Use By-law for Outdoor Commercial Patios and an addition to and extension of the Temporary Use By-law for Temporary Tents
21-167 29-Sep-21 Secondary Dwelling Units - Housekeeping Housekeeping Amendment for the Secondary Dwelling Units regulations
21-189 13-Oct-21 Urban and Rural Areas City Initiated Amendment: Technical changes, updates to certain definitions, regulations, adding and amending certain Special Exceptions and Holding Provisions, urban and rural mapping
21-231 15-Dec-21 Various Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200 to add and apply zoning to lands generally bounded by Patterson Road to the north, Old Guelph Road and the Canadian National Rail Line to the south, Highway 6 to the east, and Valley Road/York Road to the west
22-071 13-Apr-22 Mixed Use Medium Density and Institutional Zones Zone changes to implement the Waterdown Node Community Secondary Plan
22-073 13-Apr-22 Various Temporary Use By-law to reinstate temporary permissions for outdoor commercial patios
22-074 13-Apr-22 Various Temporary Use By-law to reinstate temporary permissions for temporary tents
22-075 13-Apr-22 Various Delete regulation prohibiting commercial entertainment and recreation on outdoor commercial patios
22-084 13-Apr-22 Modifications and updates to various zones Housekeeping modifications and updates
22-132 8-Jun-22 Various Housekeeping amendments specifically for the Secondary Dwelling Units regulations.
22-197 12-
Section 15: Low Density Residential (R1) Zones and
Low Density Residential - Small Lot (R1a) Zones
Introduction of a Low Density Residential (R1) Zones and Low Density Residential – Small Lot (R1a) Zones.