The NSW ARB Short Form Architect Client Contract (SFACC) is a free resource to assist architects meet their obligations under the NSW Architects Code of Professional Conduct 2017. It comprises a customisable covering letter and services schedule that can be edited to suit the project; and standard terms of contract for use without amendment.
Architects are required by law to always have a written agreement with their clients concerning the provision of architectural services. It is a requirement of Clause 7 of the Code that a written agreement is in place before an architect provides any architectural services.
A significant number of complaints against architects relate to situations where the architect has failed to enter into a proper written agreement with their client at the start of the project. Evidence shows that a concise short form client architect agreement is in the best interest of protecting consumers as it provides clients with a better understanding of the basis to their agreement with their architect.
The NSW ARB Short Form Architect Client Contract (SFACC) is a free online resource to assist architects to meet their obligations under the Code. It comprises a customisable cover letter and services schedule that can be edited to suit the project; and standard terms of contract for use without amendment.
The SFACC is available free of charge to registered architects and consumers who intend to contract with registered architects
The cover letter and services schedule are downloadable as a WORD file and are designed to be highly customisable to suit the needs of individual projects. You may edit the Word file as required.
The standard terms are downloadable as a PDF file and are intended for use without amendment. You should seek legal advice before making amendments to the standard terms.
Please download SFACC customisable cover letter and services schedule, and standard terms here.
There are other commercially available client architect agreements that may be appropriate for use in NSW. Some of these are protected by paywalls.
The Australian Institute of Architects publishes the Client Architect Agreement (CAA2019) for design and building projects of various sizes and complexity. It also publishes the Client Architect Agreement for Limited Services (CAALS2019) for small, less complex projects or partial services. Both documents are free to all Institute members or can be purchased in hardcopy by non-members.
The Association of Consulting Architects publishes the Short Form Client Architect Agreement for the use of ACA members as part of the ACA Business Toolbox.
The Code provides architects and their clients with a statement of the standards required of architects when engaged to provide architectural services.
The standard terms are intended for use without amendment. You can download the standard terms as a PDF document. Legal advice should be sought by anyone intending to make amendments to the standard terms.
Both the covering letter and services schedule are designed to be highly customisable to suit the particular needs of individual projects. You can download the covering letter and services schedule as a Word document to be edited as required.